You are a bird in Paradise


Dear Zayd,


Ever since you left this world my life has not been the same, I think of you every night and your beautiful face is etched into my mind. I know Allah did everything for the best as He had decreed what was for the best for all of us. 


Allah Knows the only comfort and solace I have is knowing that you waiting for me in Jannah, you are a bird 'damees' as mentioned in the hadith that is roaming freely in Paradise. Every day I hear birds by our home, I love to hear the birds and see them now because they remind me of you and where you are. 


Paradise must be a beautiful place, as much as we wanted to bring you home in your going home outfit, you went home in your going home to Jannah outfit in a state of purity and beauty. You were filled with light and you were a source of immense blessing and goodness in my life. Now my goal is only Jannah so we can meet there again soon inshaAllah.


I take your big brother to the park all the time, there are signs from Allah everywhere with green birds around and I love to refclect on what you must be doing in Jannah under the care of Ibrahim (AS) and Sarah. No matter what I would have sacrificed for you in my life it would not equate to the beauty and vastness of Jannah. I hope you are smiling and playing there,


Until we meet again, 

with love always Mummy x

I will always love you


Dear Zayd, 

It has only be a few weeks since you left this world, but I remember you and every single moment til the time you left us. You were such a beautiful gift to us, words sometimes fail me in describing the overwhelming gratitude I feel to have been blessed with a child like you. I had so many hopes, dreams and wishes for you but I know they will now have to wait til the better and everlasting life in Jannah. 

When I held you in my arms for the first time I could not believe how perfectly formed you were, I had so many fears up until then but all of them had vanished over the weeks leading up to your delivery because I just could not wait to finally meet you no matter the outcome of what the doctors had said. 

I know you were like an angel, I will forever have that memory of me being able to hold you and kiss you in my mind. So many nights I think about you, not a day goes by where I won't think what life may have been like with you here and with Muadh your older brother. You would have loved him, he's a real character! I am certain he would have made the most wonderful big bother to you. 

Although you did not live to see your brother, I know you'd have loved playing with him. Now you are amongst the birds in Paradise playing there instead. As Muadh would say, you're having candies and getting all the presents you want! That will keep us happy until we are reunited with you inshaAllah.

You were a truly precious gift to us, we had hoped we could bring you home but sadly you were not destined to stay in this life but rather taken back to a better place. As hard and difficult as this time has been, where our eyes would not stop streaming with tears at losing you, I hope you will know that we would have sacrificed everything to see you grow up. We will always love you, you will always be in our hearts and minds as not a single day goes by when I don't think of you.


With love always, 

Mummy x